Top 10 Flashback: January 6, 1984 – KUBE Seattle


Originally written January 1, 2014.

Greetings, loyal readers!  Break all your New Year’s resolutions yet?  I stopped bothering with that shit long ago.  Guess I have no resolve.

I have wanted to do a flashback from the Pacific Northwest for some time, but couldn’t find a good one for the week I was working on.  Not only have I now found one, but it’s from a year we haven’t done yet, so let’s start off 2014 with a trip to Seattle, 1984.  We will tune our FM dial to 93.3, KUBE, and listen to what they were playing 30 years ago.  That’s right, 30 years ago.  KUBE still exists; their format now is called CHR/Rhythmic, which means they say they play all the hits, but it’s really nothing but hip-hop.  Another way to think of it is as a black station programmed for white people.  But back then they were a straight CHR, and you’ll see that even in 1984, there was still a fair amount of diversity in Top 40 radio. Continue reading